Scale up your bandwidth anytime
to meet your business needs

Bandwidth is just like traffic on the road, the more you put through, the more congested it gets. That is why many organisations will subscribe for their maximum bandwidth requirements, choosing to live with excess capacity, rather than face the risk of poor network performance. With SPTel’s dynamic bandwidth, you will be freed from inflexible contracts that lock you in to a fixed bandwidth so you can subscribe for your minimum bandwidth requirements to reduce wastage on excess capacity.

Best of all, you will know exactly how much bandwidth you are utilising via our customer portal to optimise your network requirements accordingly.

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    What is Dynamic Pricing?

    SPTel’s connectivity services offer dynamic schemes that enable Bandwidth on Demand (BoD) and Burstable Bandwidth to provide pricing and bandwidth flexibility so you can increase your bandwidth requirements according to your business needs, in real-time.

    Bandwidth on Demand is a Pay-As-You-Use scheme that allows temporary bandwidth upgrades up to 10 times of the customer’s subscribed bandwidth or the physical port bandwidth immediately or scheduled. Customers are then charged based on the extra bandwidth used and the duration of the service.

    Burstable Bandwidth allows traffic surges above committed bandwidth as and when requires, in a Pay-as-You-Use pricing model. For example, 100Mbps Internet customers can subscribe up to 10X bandwidth to 1GBps.


    Agility and Flexibility

    Respond to network demands and customer needs faster to optimise performance.

    Fast and easy

    Service activation can be completed in minutes with 24/7 customer support when additional bandwidth is needed.

    Cost efficiencies

    Dynamic Bandwidth has no long-term contract commitment and is charged based on bandwidth or time-based usage only, helping businesses to optimise their costing for their short term project or ad-hoc event and activities.


    Flexibility in Commitment

    Allows shorter contract commitment period for Internet and connectivity service with immediate bandwidth upgrade on-demand options.

    Price Transparency

    What you see is what you pay. All prices will be listed clearly at the point of order and only charged when the customer chooses to turn on additional bandwidth.

    Fair Charging

    Customer will be charged only for what they use for on-demand services.

    Intelligent Tools

    Quality monitoring and proactive remediation (self-healing network) with recommendations and insights. Intuitive user guidance, Chat-bot, Live chat and CoBrowse assistance.

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    connect you with the right expert to tailor a solution to
    your business needs.

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