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Digital Transformation Today
Get Started with your
Digital Transformation Today
Business Class Digital Services for all
SPTel is a joint venture between ST Engineering and SP Group and we are able to leverage the strengths of our parents to provide unique connectivity and digital services for our customers to become the digital services provider of choice.

an ST Engineering and SP Group Joint VenturE
The first end-to-end software defined network with network functions virtualisations comes with a zero touch self-service portal that gives customers full control and overview of their network. Enhance your business agility with services on demand and provisioning done within minutes.

SPTel’s Software Defined Network is available island-wide and is fully owned and managed by SPTel. SPTel’s network uses unique fibre pathway that combines leased SP Group infrastructure as well as owned fibre pipes, laid alongside the power network cables.

Delivering innovative services to enable smart nation such as IoT-a-a-S supported by a Sensor Network powered by LoRaWAN, distributed edge cloud for infrastructure-as-a-Service with cloud orchestrator capabilities and Quantum Safe Networks.

an ST Engineering and SP Group Joint VenturE

We have Impactful Numbers
Positive Customer
Experience Score
Delivering network diversity to
of all data centres in
Digital Services Provider of Choice for
major banks
in Singapore
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